Autor: Hans Terrones Paredes

Alcohol Anxiety: Can Drinking Cause Anxiety & Panic Attacks?

When feelings of anxiety come on quickly and intensely, it could be a panic attack. But when you use a drug often enough, your brain starts to turn towards the drug to cope and you…

Alcoholic Face: How to Spot It + Reverse the Damage

Experts have been successful at confirming the link between alcoholism and body weight. However, this relationship is not straightforward, with different people responding to alcohol intake differently. Factors like how much alcohol a person drinks…

Celebrities who died from painkillers, cocaine and heroin

In all his years of fame, Cory Monteith remained candid about his experiences with substance addiction. The Canadian actor, who gained renown as Finn Hudson on the hit show “Glee,” had a troubled childhood. He had…

Working Capital: Formula, Components, and Limitations

Accounts payable refers to one aspect of working capital management that companies can take advantage of that they often have greater control over. When forecasting debt, consider any ratios within the debt covenants that the…